ageless beauty
The oldest igneous rock in the world called as Granite is believed to have been formed over 300 Million years ago.
Granite is composed of many minerals including feldspar and quartz.
The highest granite mountain in the world is the Kangchenjunga Mountain in Himalayas, India.
After diamond, Granite the hardest substances in the world, it is tough and durable that the pedestal that the Statue of Liberty stands on is made from granite.
Hard in nature, heat resistant, scratch resistant, durable and easy to handle are some of the qualities of granites which make it the most used stone in any home or commercial space.
Granites are perfect for interiors, kitchen, stairs, and outdoor walls. At THE STONE SAGA, over 150 shades and colors of granites are readily available to add a touch of elegance and shine to your home and work place.